Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hammer Tyme #10

Excitement, Shock and AWE, we hunger for it; we cannot get enough of it. We leave craving for more. It is a drug and we need our fix. Sometimes weekly and then an extra dose for those who can afford the monthly booster called Pay per View.

Let us face it we pump up hearing the shattering of glass or the instrumental musical intro for Hulk Hogan music. After 20yrs, his music still gets a standing ovation and cheers. Alternatively, just seeing the Rocks face and pose and speaking of faces all Triple H had to do was stand in an ambulance on Raw. He said nothing just stared holding his Hammer and we went crazy.

This type of Charisma that makes these stars larger than life. It makes them larger then life. The term �POP� refers to the reaction received when a wrestler walks through the curtain and seen by the crowd. If it is a face, they should scream and cheer. Possibly, even begin a chant. The �POP� gets us excited and hyped for the upcoming match. We expect our face to right and wrongs done by the heel. We even tend to look the other way when he fights fire with fire and bend a rule or two. We expect it and we demand it.

If the heel does his job well when he comes out for his �POP� he should be greeted with boo�s and negative chants. Remember it is his job to make you hate his existence. Kicking a puppy, refusing a handshake or telling a fan to shut their fat mouth, it is their character. Off Camera or Stage where KayFabe is not in effect, they might really be a nice person. However, right now they are public enemy number one and should make Osama Bin Laden look like a wossy.

In most cases, the Heel comes out first getting the heat started. When the face comes out the boo�s change to cheers and screams.

It sometimes can get very confusing as faces occasionally receive boos and Heels cheered. Yes, heels sometimes as much as we tend to hate them, some heels are just likeable. For example, who doesn�t at some point feel like stompin a mud hole in their boss and walk in it dry. Alternatively, giving the boss a Stunner or RKO would make our dreams come true.

Yes, they tend to take things to the extreme but there needs to be a reason for the Heel and Face to be meeting in the ring or specialty match. The specialty match is the result of the adrenaline gone wild. Sure, we love to see Hulk and Bundy Battle in a ring but in a cage, a weapon in itself. It makes things more exciting as specialty matches are the �last resort� offering a serious challenge and high risk.

The more worked up the crowd gets the �POP� gets bigger. Mission accomplished.

Even when there is a Face VS Face, this is applicable. One face feels he is justified in doing something but another feels it crosses a line and sees no choice but to settle the difference in the ring.

It also was interesting to note last Mondays Raw. Batista�s music went on and everyone cheered and looked for him. We knew or at least had a feeling he would not or could not comeback yet when we heard his music and the �POP� was just as loud as if he was there and we did see him. In the old school days of the WWE, a heel would attack and a chant would go out for HULK and then either the music would blast out or he would come running to the ring and clean house. It was good to see Triple H return that way. It was a great way to continue / reintroduce his war with Randy Orton and kick some ass.

Rhodes, Dibiase deserved what they got and while yes attacking or assaulting another is not the best way to handle a problem it was justified and a welcomed event.

The most Erie pop has to be the lights going off and on and the sound of the Bell Tolling. We know it is the Undertaker yet or hair stands and we feel a chill. It is that anxiety that builds excitement and makes a show memorable. The federation as a whole did its job and gave us our moneys worth if we stayed on the edge of our seats or constantly stood cheering giving us something to talk about tomorrow at work or school.

Ok this and the other examples are cool and get our hearts pounding but what if lets say it doesn�t work. Big Show and John Cena have both been uses as heels and yet we do not boo them, we tend to cheer for them.

What does the Creative Staff do? There are a handful of stars from yesterday and today that no matter what they do, say or act as if we will still like them and buy their merchandise.

Like with the Walt Disney Company not every idea works. Sometimes things have to be done over or scrapped. Does it make it a bad idea? Sure, it would be great if every idea would be successful and people loved every idea but it would put out the fire of creativity. There would be no challenge or reason to top ourselves.

I take this and apply it to myself. I had written an article to follow up my last one. It was educational but lacked �POP�. It was as if I was doing a lecture. We I believe come and read these articles and stories to find motivation or relieve the past. When I saw the feedback and re read what I was doing, I knew it had to be scrapped. It leads to off the topic discussion. Maybe I can jazz it up or give it a �pop� and represents it at a later point. I always have tried to keep the desires and demand of my readers� top priority. I also believe it keep things fresh and new. Anyone can write but as it was said, keep exciting.

WHAM!!!! Chair shot number one. Boring, boring, boring WHAM!!! Hit again by the chair and going to one knee. Wait I see the crowd rising who do they hope or want to see? They scream and cheer, some chant while some fix on the curtained opening. Will Sand man walk through the crowd? Do they have a hammer or perhaps a chair? Maybe they wont come out from the curtain. Will Sting go old school and rebel to the floor on a cable?

However, it happens one thing is certain it will result in a �POP�. We know something even more exciting is to follow. It will top our expectations and give us the feeding of our own hunger but leave us room for dessert. There is always room for Jell O and always a wish for one more match from Stone Cold, Hulk, Rock and Flair. If the business is to continue, they will give us the taste we are hooked on and hungry for more.

That is what makes TNA and WWE survive where WCW and AWA failed. The big guys have mastered �POP�. The �POP� is what sells your wrestler and your show. Without it, you will find it hard to see any seats. It is also important to know what gets a POP and what does not. Fans are very demanding if they are not 100 satisfied, they will go elsewhere. Yes, competition exists in wrestling regardless of Vince�s stranglehold on wrestling there is more to life than WWE. Gasp there is? What are you saying he is not the only show in town? TNA is out there and so are dozens of independent circuit shows that are also working for your hard earned money. There is no shortage of supply for us wrestling junkies that need our fix. We demand it and there is someone out there to provide us with what we want and what we need (no not Al Snow again. I thought I saw someone lurking in the background) or was I hoping to see something and selling it by generating hype. If you notice, most chants or hype begins with a section or group. Is it possible that the creative team sets staff in these areas to manufacture the �POP� that they are looking for? Is it part of the marketing or is it actually part of the response to the show? Well whatever the answer it does not matter. It sells and we buy it at an impressive rate. Four weekly television shows at least, two or more PPV shows, a show at the local banquet hall and lets not forget the DVD anthology of our favorite star from yesterday. The fix is easily found and readily at hand.

�Glass Shatter� could it be? What is he doing here? Guess you to have to comeback to next weeks Hammer Tyme to see what will happen.

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