Friday, June 12, 2015

Hazed &amp Confused #10 Crossbones Interview

Good Morning, Afternoon and Evening and welcome to yet another Indy licious edition of Hazed & Confused.

Quite a few things have happened since last time I posted,Find The Best NFL Lines On-Line, mainly in the worlds of CHIKARA who have recently held two shows, and SHIMMER who held an unbelievable FOUR DVD tapings this past weekend.

So starting off, as mentioned above,custom bobbleheads, CHIKARA recently held two shows on the last weekend of April,customize bobblehead, results were as follows:

Behind The 8 Ball

April 25, 2009 ~ Palmer Community Center, Easton, PA
1. Jagged & Shane Matthews [2.0] def Frightmare & Hallowicked [Incoherence]
(9:57 ~ Brodie Lee intrusion > Schoolboys)

2. Shark Girl def Nevaeh
(5:53 ~ Knee Attack)

3. Helios def Escorpion Egipcio
(7:01 ~ 630 Splash)

4. Atomico Increibles: Player Dos,customize bobblehead, Brodie Lee, STIGMA & Tim Donst def Player Uno, Buck Hawke, Vin Gerard & Hydra
(15:18 ~ Frog Splash by Player Dos on Buck Hawke)

5. Gran Akuma def Shadow Phoenix
(9:22 ~ Rubix Cube)

6. Icarus & Chuck Taylor [F.I.S.T.] def Fire Ant & Soldier Ant [The Colony]
(12:16 ~ Chuck Taylor tapped out Soldier Ant with a Cross Crab)

7. CHIKARA Young Lions Cup: Jimmy �Equinox� Olsen [c] def Colin Delaney
(12:21 ~ Straight Right Hand)

8. CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas ~ Best of 3 Falls:
Amasis & Ophidian [The Osirian Portal] [c] def Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush

Fall One:. Amasis & Ophidian (12:51 ~ mask manipulation > O�Connor Roll)
Fall Two: Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush (9:14 ~ Skayde Especial I)
Fall Three: Amasis & Ophidian (6:57 ~ Reverse Rolling Prawn Hold)

The Bobliographon

April 26, 2009 ~ The Arena, Philadelphia, PA

1. Claudio Castagnoli def Shadow Phoenix
(7:58 ~ Bicycle Kick)

2. 4 Way Elimination Match: KC �Cloudy� Day & Cheech Hernandez def Jagged & Shane Matthews [2.0],Good, Sensible Commercial Property Law Advice, STIGMA & Colin Delaney [The UnStable], Player Uno & Player Dos [Super Smash Bros.]
(Elimination 1: 7:02 ~ Cross Legged Prawn Hold from KC Day on Shane Matthews)
(Elimination 2: 10:01 ~ Frog Splash from Player Dos on Colin Delaney)
(Elimination 3: 15:02 ~ Tidal Wave from KC Day on Player Uno)

3. Ultra Mantis Black def Create A Wrestler
(4:53 ~ Schoolboy with tights assist)

4. Hallowicked, Delirious & Frightmare [Incoherence] def Eddie Kingston, Brodie Lee & Grizzly Redwood [The Roughnecks]
(12:52 ~ Huracanrana)

5. Sara Del Rey def Shark Girl
(6:01 ~ Royal Butterfly)

6. Jimmy �Equinox� Olsen, Helios & Lince Dorado [The Future is Now] def Ophidian, Amasis & Escorpion Egipcio
(15:04 ~ 630 Splash from Helios onto Egipcio)

7. Vin Gerard def Glacier
(12:13 ~ Brass Knuckles > Cradle)

8. Gran Akuma, Icarus, Chuck Taylor & Buck Hawke def Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Fire Ant & Soldier Ant
(18:54 ~ Rubix Cube by Akuma on Jigsaw)

A few interesting points have come out of these shows,personalized bobbleheads, mainly that Mitch Ryder did not turn up for his scheduled matches and has since been released by CHIKARA.

Amasis & Ophidian walked out on Escorpian Egipcio during their match at The Bobliographon, and Escorpion has also been released.

And finally, what is for me personally some awesome news,., Ultramantis Black and Crossbones kidnapped Delirious after his tag match at The Bobliographon. Now this could be very interesting indeed if they do somehow get Delirious to join The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple and a major coup for them.

Also as mentioned above, SHIMMER held this past weekend a mind boggling FOUR DVD tapings over the course of two days.
This meant a staggering forty plus matches in two days, with many of their roster wrestling three or four times during the weekend.

Obviously too many results to mention, but importantly Ms Chif is still the SHIMMER champion after defending against Serene Deeb on Vol 23, Wesna on Vol 25 and LuFisto on Vol 26 and also teamed up with Cheerleader Melissa to defeat Sara Del Ray and Amazing Kong on Vol 24.

So, with that out the way, on with the show and the Indy Interview!!

Welcome to another Indy Interview here at Hazed & Confused, this week joining us is CHIKARA wrestler and member of The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple, Crossbones.

Crossbones, thank you for joining us this week.

Sure sure...lets make this quick I have souls to corrupt and all that stuff ya know.

We ve got a few questions for you about wrestling and your career and we shall finish up with a few random ones. Some of these have also been sent in by our readers.

1) Firstly, for those who may be unfamiliar with you, could you give us some background information about yourself?
I am Crossbones..prophet to the Order of the Neo Solar temple...destroyer of false metal, defiler of souls, tag team partner of the vile and sinister Ultramantis Black!

2) What do you consider to be UNIQUE about yourself that differentiates you from other wrestlers?
The pure evil that surrounds Ultramantis and I our followers who will give their souls and bowls of guacamole to us and rally behind us,custom bobblehead. That and the fact the I wear a mask not to hide my identity but to cover my amazingly good looks so women don t rush the ring while I wrestle,personalized bobble heads.

3) Who do you consider to be the most influential people on your wrestling career?
Ultramantis Black and Satan

4) Which wrestlers do you see as being an inspiration to the wrestling business?
Well of course UMB,personalized bobblehead. but beyond that ...Mike Quackenbush..Claudio...Skayde..Dean Malenko .the great Muta,custom bobblehead..Vader..Eddie Guerrero..etc etc many to keep listing

5) What do you consider to be the greatest advice you have received in the wrestling business and from whom?
Kick him harder ..some random fan

6) What would you see as being highlights in your career to date?
A highlight would be one of the best matches Ive ever had...It was a handicap match against a tag team called Los pantalones atomico in a Columbian alligator bowtie match

7) Five years from now, where would you like to see your wrestling career?
I don t plan that far ahead,personalized bobblehead...who knows what the future holds for Crossbones and the order

8) What type of training/conditioning do you do for wrestling?
I like to go and hang out in the gym and just you know watch their TVs and all. I also kick down trees in my back yard. Besides that I also train in Gracie Jiu Jitsu

9) What do you consider to be the best thing about being a wrestler?
The ladies

10) What are your thoughts on the movie The Wrestler and its portrayal of the Indy circuit?
I thought it was a fine and dandy movie I really enjoyed Henry Winkler in this role

11) Are there any companies that you haven t yet worked for that you would like to?
666 in japan!

12) Who have you had the most fun working with or teaming with?
Of course Ultramantis Black..and also it was great working with Sami Callihan until he cost us the friggin match,4 Enormous Seasons For The New York Giants And The Big Apple!

13) And who, that you haven t worked or teamed with yet would you like to?
The Order has plans on recruiting and I feel that answering this question will reveal our plans before it is time.

14) How did you come up with your gimmick and ring name?
It comes from my full name actually,,..Crossius VonBonington III

15) If you could hire ONE member to join The Order, who would you recruit and why?

16) As a masked wrestler, is it important to you personally to keep your identity hidden? (as an example,,, we ve seen photos of (I think) STIGMA and Ultramantis at a wedding in their masks)
It was actually Mr. Zero and Mantis...and yes it is very important

17) And continuing with that theme, if you ever were unmasked, what sort of gimmick would you like to carry out?
The sexiest man to walk to earth

18) If you were not in the wrestling business, what would you be doing, some pics have been seen of you doing tattoo work, would you go into that line of work at all?
I might I suppose,personalized bobble heads..or maybe modeling or being a Ninja

19) And finally, what advice would you give anyone looking to get into the business?
Do what u gotta do ..just stay out of my way

And now for some less serious questions,customized bobbleheads.

Favorite TV Show?

Favorite Band and/or Song?
Manowar..Hail and Kill

Favorite song to sing at Karaoke?
Run to the hills...Iron Maiden

Favorite sandwich filling,La Montre Breitling Emergency Vous Sert Un Majest� Sp�ciale?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Who is cooler, Chuck Norris or Mr T?
Hmmm,custom brain may explode with that thought...Mr. T. has a fantastic vocab..but Chuck has such a great beard!

And finally, any message for the readers of Hazed & Confused?
Bow to the order..relinquish your soul!

Thank you very much for joining us here, we appreciate you finding some time for us in your schedule and we all would like to wish you the best for the future.

So there you go, hilarious guy to interview and very down to earth.
The Indy Interview next week features a guy that I know many of you have asked for and been waiting for, that man is none other than Arik Cannon.

I m also running out of interviews now, with many that I have contacted failing to respond once the interviews have been sent to them. I understand that a lot of them are very busy and have time constraints, so once Ive done the current batch I m on, expect something slightly different from me for the time being, though as yet I have no idea what that will be.... maybe some CHIKARA Fantasy Booking could be a laugh.

Anyways, thats all from me for this article, so thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next one coming soon. In the mean time, do yourself a favor and check out some Indy Wrestling, especially CHIKARA, I promise you ll enjoy what you see.

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