Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Master S Dojo RAW Breakdown And NWO Prediction

Hello everybody, and welcome to another fantastic edition of The Master�s Dojo!!! I�m your host and this should be a great article. In today�s issue, I�m going to give my personal breakdown of the RAW brand. Things like feuds and title holders�that kind of thing. Plus, my final picks for No Way Out. Let�s get it on!!

I�ll start out talking about current feuds. How about Legacy vs. The McMahon�s? Now, I think their pushing this a bit too far. Orton and his henchmen brutally attacking Shane and Stephanie? Is that really needed? Everybody knows that the title opportunity will not be taken away, because Randy Orton is loved by the fans�usually. And he is a pretty good wrestler. But, personally, I am stoked for this match at No Way Out. You know, between Shane and Randy, no holds barred. Except,personalized bobble heads,Florida Gators Beat The Sooners, I can�t help but think that Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase will be involved in some way. Anyway, should be a good match. Also,personalized bobble heads, I�m pumped up for this coming Monday�s RAW, where there�ll be a match between Randy Orton and The Undertaker. This should also be a good match. By the way, I�m picking Undertaker to win on RAW and Orton to win at No Way Out. All in all, however, I think that this feud doesn�t improve the show.

Ok, next up is my take on JBL vs. HBK. I have been waiting for them to have a match since this deal happened. Now,., I�ve had people say that this is a good feud. Personally though, I don�t think it�s a very good rivalry. Who honestly wants to see The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels get bossed around by a guy who not many people like, John �Bradshaw� Layfield. I think that their match for No Way Out, however, is going to be somewhat predictable. For those who don�t know, Michaels and JBL have a winner take all match at this coming PPV, where if Shawn Michaels wins, he gets paid his full salary from JBL and is released from his contract, but if JBL wins, he owns the rights to the name �Shawn Michaels�. I really don�t think it would be a very smart marketing decision to have JBL own the name of one of the legends and fan favorites of the WWE. So, I�m picking Shawn Michaels to win this match. Anyway, I think he�s a much better wrestler.

Now, quickly, I�d like to say something about Knox vs. Mysterio. I don�t like this at all. I enjoy watching Rey fight, but twice in a row, he�s feuded against beasts in Kane and Mike Knox, and both times, he gets somewhat of an edge. That stopped being believable after the first couple of matches that he won against these guys. I think Rey Mysterio is a good wrestler, but that�s a bit unbelievable.

Ok,custom bobbleheads, now my view on title holders. First I�ll start with the Women�s title. Now the reason I didn�t mention this previously is because I�m just not that interested in seeing Beth Phoenix�s henchmen help her win all her matches. It�s almost like Hornswoggle continually getting involved in Finlay�s matches. To be honest, I don�t see how Melina can retain her belt. Beth Phoenix is, in my opinion, too strong for Melina, and with Rosa Mendez and Santino the Clown outside,customized bobbleheads, I don�t see this being Melina�s night. So, to conclude this paragraph, I don�t think Melina will be holding the belt after Sunday, and I do really think Beth is a good title holder� and hopefully she�ll lose the clown and Rosa.

Next up is the Intercontinental Championship, which is currently held by my boy, CM Punk. I was so happy when he won the belt in our hometown of Chicago, and I�m glad he�s been holding it for a while, and hopefully for a bit longer. He could be a really good Intercontinental Champion, and if he proves himself worthy,customized bobbleheads,Chaos Theories Writer S Block (Bash Predictions), he may be thrown in the World Heavyweight title picture, who knows? Anyway,custom bobblehead, I am very satisfied with CM Punk holding the coveted Intercontinental Title.

Now on to the World title,custom bobbleheads, the World Heavyweight Championship. This belt, as you all know,Printing Services Online Or In A Store, is being held by John Cena. John Cena is strange to me. I want to love him, I want him to be one of my favorite wrestlers. Yet, at the same time, I want to hate him, and I want him to lose the belt. I don�t know how satisfied I am with him winning the title. I mean, I think he is a slightly above average champion, but I really didn�t like the way he won the belt in the first place. Really, how predictable was that? I guess my final verdict is that I think he is a good champion, he fits well in this storyline, and I think that having him as champion is not a bad thing.

Ok , now it�s pick time. I�ll start out with the ECW title match between �The All American� American Jack Swagger and the man who loves to fight, Finlay. I�m rooting for Finlay, but that doesn�t necessarily mean I�m picking him. Actually, I am. Finlay has never been anything except United States champion. I think, with this current storyline between him and Swagger, I think that it is time to give Finlay the title. So, I�m predicting that I will finally be able to say �Finlay is the champ!!�

Next is the No Holds Barred match between Royal Rumble winner Randy Orton and Shane O�Mac. I�m assuming the worst for this match. Just look at how RAW ended. Undertaker vs. Randy Orton. I thought that this would be an epic success. Instead,personalized bobblehead, it was an epic fail. Of course Legacy�s Priceless members were involved. And then here comes Shane to beat up Legacy. I wanted to see a real match between Undertaker and Randy Orton. I wanted to see a classic match between these two greats. I was disappointed. And now there is a No Holds Barred match. This means that anything can and will happen. This also, I�d assume,,, means the other guys in Legacy will be involved. I think Orton is going to win this. I don�t want him to win, but I think he will.

Another match at No Way Out will be the Winner Take All match between John �Bradshaw� Layfield and HBK Shawn Michaels. I�ve made it no secret that I have hated this storyline. I can�t stand it. I can�t stand JBL. I thought it would end at the Royal Rumble, but I was wrong. I am rooting for HBK, and I think he�ll win because A) he is the better wrestler, and B) it would not be smart,custom bobblehead, I don�t think, on WWE�s part to have Shawn Michaels and his legacy be ruined by this. Nobody wants to see JBL win this match. Or, maybe I�m just na�ve and everyone wants JBL to win. But I doubt that. Anyway, I am picking Shawn Michaels to win. Now for the dreaded, demonic, evil Elimination Chamber. I�ll start with the World Heavyweight Championship Chamber. Competitors are Mike Knox, Kane, Chris Jericho, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio and obviously, champion John Cena. This is how I see this chamber breaking down. Kofi Kingston will be eliminated first. I don�t think he�s a big enough star yet to win a world title going in to WrestleMania�Sorry Kofi. Next to be eliminated will be Mike Knox. I�d assume he�d be eliminated by Rey Mysterio to continue with the storyline. Speaking of Rey, I see him going out next. So the final three, in my opinion, will be Jericho, Cena and Kane. I think that Cena will eliminate Kane with the FU. Oh excuse me, the �Attitude Adjustment� (by the way, I hate this new PG thing they�re going for. No Bra and Panties Match? No more �One Night Stand�? No more �FU� and �STFU�? Quite lame, in my opinion.) Anyway, right after Kane is eliminated,customize bobblehead, I think that Jericho will eliminate Cena, making him the new World Heavyweight Champion. Finally, the WWE championship Elimination Chamber. The competitors in this match are Champion Edge,Setanta The Fall Out, Vladimir Kozlov, The Game, Jeff Hardy, Big Show and the Undertaker. I see Kozlov eliminating both Hardy AND Triple H. Then Undertaker gets payback from the Royal Rumble and eliminates the Big Show. And then, Edge is going to capitalize and take out the Undertaker,custom bobblehead, but no!! Edge and Undertaker battle it out in classic fashion. I see Edge going for the spear�and he hits it, he stand over Undertaker, taunting him,personalized bobblehead, but then, just like at WrestleMania XXIV, Undertaker locks in The Hell�s Gate and Edge taps out. Undertaker wins the match, and will hold the WWE championship going into the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania.

Well, Ladies and gentlemen, it seems as though another edition of The Master�s Dojo has come to an end. Again a big thanks to all my readers,personalized bobbleheads, and I hope you keep coming back for more. Until next time, I AM OUT!!

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