Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hammer Tyme #4

We cheer for the hero, we boo for the Heel. But what keeps us from getting over our lights punched out by a 430 pound monster that you just an a$#ole. Or let�s say you are the 430 pound �Fat� or �Slob� and what about the heel that is booed? Does he take it personal? Does it bother him?

Wrestling psychology is very completed. It is also very simple and basic to learn best yet you don�t need hours of classes and tests. It all revolves around �Selling�. Perhaps the most important term used in the business. Selling as it is called means making the people believe what you are doing. So if you are a heel, the more heat (crowd anger) you draw the show they receive and the more you are remembered. If you�re a heel you want to be the most hated person in the building. That after all is your job. If you are a hero or Face as it is called you want everyone to love you. Giving high fives, autographs, pose for pictures or whatever makes them happy. Either way remember plus or negative it is your character not you personally. Use it to feel your momentum and develop your identity. Keeping �KayFabe� in practice or like a magician not revealing the secret to his illusion is important to the show. Okay it is easy to deal with everyone loving you, if you�re a cuddly, snuggly, puppy. If you�re a Siberian Bull and just killed an American you don�t want to be loved in America or anywhere but home.

The first thing that you need to ask yourself is can I separate my character from Reality? For me it was easy behind a mask. No one knew the man behind the mask so anything I did was a Destroyer or Flag that did everything was them not me. Without a mask it�s a bit more challenging as people see you and think that you are your gimmick in and out of the ring. My experience with others in the business is they act different in and out of the ring. Often we were not allowed to mingle with crowd until after the entire show was over.

Being hated however can be rough, hearing put downs and boo�s can make anyone feel hurt or but as I said turn it into heat and it will ultimately make a better show. Learning to not take it personally helps. Also wear it as a badge of honor. Of its drawing heat then you�re doing your job and bask in the glory. Making a memorable appearance is what keeps you coming back and getting more bookings.

In some cases it is necessary to block out the crowd as you can and focus on the job at hand putting on a good show. One VERY critical piece of information and advice NEVER put your hands on a person in the crowd. However if it�s arranged, scripted and part of the show than go for it. Assaulting anyone who is not on payroll is a lawsuit and arrest would be a good thing and would kill your federation so doesn�t do it. Get in their face and get worked up. Threaten and draw heat but NEVER act on it EVER.

With that said moving on to the hero. It�s great to take pictures, sign autographs and give tips and advice to aspiring future generations but make sure that there is a line. We tend not to think of negative or extreme negative but our world has changed unfortunately there are stories of fans and stalkers. It�s best to set limits and stick to them for your safety and that of others. Ok that was my McGruff the Crime Dog speech. Sorry my soap box or Podium won�t go away it is a useful tool and accepted as such. At least no one has said it has to go. YET

I had an opportunity to stop out from behind the mask this past Friday, April 24, 2009. This was my second appearance without wearing a mask. This wasn�t wrestling although one of the guest referees was a pro wrestler Haystacks Ross. It began as a request to do writing. My very first wrestling promoter was getting together a show call GLADIATOR BALL. It had Haystacks Ross and celebrity Muhammed Ali Jr. It included 3 Gladiators from NBC TV American Gladiators, Venom, Mayhem and Fury.

My involvement began doing my new found passion writing. There was to be some scripted skits along with the 10 Dodge ball games. The first challenge was to keep it a Family Show and not offend anyone but give laughs and entertainment to the audience. I meet for the next few weeks over the phone, email and in person. It was great working with Don McNeil again. I see him as a mentor. He helped me more then wrestling and helped develop my writing skills. We co created a few things and on skit I wrote myself with his feedback. The week before the show I received a call. I wrote a piece about Muhammed Ali Jr having eye trouble and needed an Eye Dr coming to his aid. Don called and said he put my idea in but needed someone to portray the doctor and asking if I would play the doctor and I said �I would love to�.

It was my second time performing without a mask. 10 yrs ago it was Jerry Springer. This time for some reason I was more comfortable and relaxed. I was Dr George (the original). I came out did my thing and felt good. The experience was awesome. Don said this gives you something to write about in your column. It did as it fit well with my topic of the week giving me an illustration of how things are done or can be done.

I also to specially thank Beth �Venom� for her training and diet advice and meeting her has inspired and motivated me. I guess I am like Bat Mass enemy Bane. I am �Venom� powered now!!

There is the fearing the Undertaker or the Black Magic of BoggyMan or Papa Shango. Have you ever watched Hulk Hogan prepare to walk thru the curtain? He performs the sign of the cross, and other wrestlers used other symbols. Hillbilly Jim use to carry a horseshow on a chain. Are these parts of the gimmick or a part of the psychology or both? Myself I use the sign of Cross/Prayer as a chance to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand. It has become an instinct and most of the time I don�t realize I do it. At least I haven�t noticed not doing it. There is not much need for luck as things often get pre planned but having to remember you�re �Mark� or god forbid something should go wrong. I recall a match where I suppose to get thrown into the corner. I missed the corner padding and caught the Cable Ropes. Let me tell you it felt like my back exploded. It threw off my night. I then later took a bad bump hitting the back of my head and back. I would find that I had received a concussion and damaged the disc at L5/S1 which led to my retirement for a time. Like I said earlier leave is sometimes temporary and when it is in your blood and soul sometimes saying NO is almost impossible. I never think about the negatives. I take each show as if it�s my first and give the best possible show I can. Accidents or injuries happen. Unless we go through life in Bubble wrap we are not going to avoid these. Yes it�s scary but given the rarity of these events it�s not commonplace but it�s something to be aware of. Being safe is important that�s why we go through a very lengthy training to craft and learn our trade. If something should happen knowing how to deal with it is the key. Don�t move and let trained people take over. Again this is not to scare but make you aware and keep you and your opponent healthy and safe.

So I am passing along the following to show that professional wrestling is more than just being a massively built individual. It is said to be 90 mental and 10 physical. As you can see the mental is tough. Having your game face on and getting into character is just as important as running laps or lifting 100�s of pounds of weight. How can this be practiced? First of all do not try to imitate or try this at home or in a back yard setting. Have a trained professional work with you. Some of the mental can be done by you. Practice in front of a mirror doing speaking or selling moves. As with anything it will take time and develop as you gain experience. There is always room to improve.

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