Monday, March 9, 2015

A Painful Truth Backlash Report For 04 26 09

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the second ever issue of my article series, A Painful Truth!

The first article came out to some good feedback, with people liking my writing and liking the subject. I would like to thank you for this; it gave me the confidence to continue!!!

Now let me move on from the introduction. I was going to do D generation X but, me being me, I completely forgot about the PPV, Backlash. Don�t worry; I haven�t dropped the D generation X article.

Forethoughts on Backlash:

Looking at the card, I felt that this was going to be a pretty solid WWE PPV. Nothing major should happen, and nothing truly spectacular, but a good, entertaining watch, none the less.

The card looked solid, with all three titles being defended that night. We had Jeff and Matt in an I quit match, and also Chris Jericho taking on another legend in Ricky �The Dragon� Steamboat. With CM Punk vs. Kane as well,customized bobbleheads, we had some definite potential for matches. I hope that they would do themselves justice.

For those unaware, here was the �official� match card for the night.

1. Jack Swagger (c) Vs. Christian � ECW title match.
2. Chris Jericho Vs. Ricky �The Dragon� Steamboat � This would be Ricky�s final match.
3. CM Punk Vs. Kane � No stipulation.
4. Jeff Hardy Vs. Matt Hardy � I Quit Match.
5. Santina Marella Vs. Beth Phoenix � Miss Wrestlemania on the line
6. Triple H (c), Batista and Shane McMahon Vs. Legacy � WWE championship match
7. John Cena (c) Vs,customize bobblehead. Edge � Last Man Standing for the World Heavyweight Championship

The Backlash Show, and my Thoughts:

Match one: Jack Swagger (c) Vs. Christian for the ECW world title

As the show kicked off, we heard Christian�s theme for the first match of the night. I hoped that �Captain Charisma� would win, as I am a general fan of him. I liked his work in singles and his work with Edge against The Hardy Boyz. It was a great move for him to return to the WWE. Swagger dominated the first part of the match really, with the best spot being when Christian was body pressed to the outside,custom bobblehead, over the turnbuckle. Even as the match continued, Christian was dominated, being put in constant submissions. However, Christian rallied as the fans got behind him, and with a piece of light hearted humour, won. As Jack Swagger went to expose the turnbuckle,personalized bobble heads, Christian was on the other side of the ring, in the corner. Jack was stopped by the referee but Christian, whilst acting hurt and tired,customized bobbleheads, exposed the other. Jack ran into it, before walking right into a Killswitch. Christian got the three count and became the new ECW champion!!!

I thought this match was a good start for the PPV, with a few good spots and a good ending. The moves were sold well, and it got the crowd hyped. Surely things could only get better?

Next, we see Edge and Christian backstage. Christian called Edge a bitter raving lunatic, and Edge defended himself. The promo had good chemistry, due to Edge and Christian working together before, and gave Christian exposure as a champ whilst building hype for the Edge Vs. Cena match later on.

Match two: Chris Jericho Vs. Ricky Steamboat

This match was a serious Wrestlemaina repercussion match, after Jericho�s match against the legends. The match started pretty evenly, with Rick getting the better of Jericho mainly. The match kept slowing down due to submission attempts, though. Jericho insulted Ricky throughout the match, which was a nice touch. The match became back and forth and eventually, Ricky became the dominant star. Throughout the match, finishers were traded, with things like the lionsault being blocked. Walls of Jericho got locked in right in the centre of the ring,Skiing In Jammu Kashmir, and Ricky �The Dragon� Steamboat tapped out.

This was a much better match than I anticipated. I expected that Jericho was going to have to carry the match, and I�m glad I was proven wrong. Ricky pushed himself to the limits for his final match, and there was always an edge of tension involved, be it from blocking the Lionsault to being hit by the Codebreaker.

Next we see Santino in �Santina�s� locker room,personalized bobble heads, arguing with Beth Phoenix. She accuses him of not revealing Santina�s true identity, and that he should own up. Santino argues back, and the promo is over.

Match three: Kane Vs,custom bobbleheads. CM Punk

Kane and CM Punk had been built up for a while,Federer Vs Sampras 14 Tennis Grand Slams Each But Who Is The Best, and I haven�t been massively impressed. However, with the competitors involved, I expected something good here. Early on,customize bobblehead, CM Punk was in control, focusing on the right side shoulder of Kane, with some good exciting offense. Then, the match became more realistic, with Kane�s natural size and strength showing through. He hit Punk hard with each move, and you could hear each one of the impacts. CM Punk was kicking like crazy, but when he tried a move off the ropes and Kane caught him with a punch,Classifieds February 19, 2015, it was almost finished. Cm Punk tried to rally, but when Kane caught him with a chokeslam, the three count was easy.

This was another solid match, which had its highs and lows. Not the best, but then, it didn�t have to be. Kane and CM Punk got good reactions from the crowd. Once again, a good, entertaining match.

A quick recap of the Jeff and Matt angle next. This was a great video promo, not only giving the viewer something to catch up with the history, but it really built the hype already surrounding this match.

Match four: Jeff Hardy Vs. Matt Hardy in an I quit match

This match was portrayed by the WWE as a very, very personal rivalry. Jeff and Matt are brothers, and this feud has been building ever since Jeff�s huge push. This, apart from the WWE championship match, would be my pick of the night beforehand.

Jeff starts off in control, using his typical style to throw matt into the barricade, then bouncing off the steel steps to fly into him and send him to the same barricade. A high risk move from Jeff is countered, and Matt takes the advantage, driving his leg into the steel ring post. Matt then utilizes the figure 4 a few times to continue the damage to the leg. A few attempts at getting the other to quit, and each is replied with �No!� I wouldn�t expect this match to end so quickly anyway. Jeff hits the whisper in the wind and the Swanton Bomb, then a twist of fate in the outside. Jeff then tapes Matt to a table with duck tape, and ties him down with a rope. Add in a ladder, and Matt begins to beg Jeff, saying �I�m sorry� constantly. He then quits, but Jeff continues, hopping over the ladder to land on him!!!

This was a great match. It had great extreme spots, and it finished in an excellent way. Where will this lead, I wonder?
Next, Randy Orton in an interview!!! Woooooo!!!!

He speaks about Batista and tries to work some mind games, telling him that he is �all about the game�

Khali�s Kiss cam. I don�t want to waste words from my limit on this, so I�m not gunna write that much. He calls out Santina who declares he �love� for JR. She is told she has to kiss JR, but Beth Phoenix comes out and interrupts and challenges Santina, just to be hit by Khali.

Match five: Santina Marella Vs. Beth Phoenix for Miss Wrestlemania title

Beth is already down, Santina hooks the leg for the cheap win. Waste of time, if I�m honest with you.

Next up, we have a video promo for the WWE championship match. It recaps how Triple H got involved, along with Batista. This video was a nice refresher, but nothing like the Hardy�s one.

Match six: Triple H (c), Batista and Shane McMahon Vs. Legacy for the WWE championship

A number of stipulations on this one, which I won�t explain. Basically, Orton just needed a pin. This was my pick for match of the night beforehand, and I hoped it would deliver.

Before the match, Triple H chases Orton from the ringside, so it becomes a 3 on 2 handicap match to start with. Interesting start. As to be expected, Legacy gets beaten up a bit without Orton there, and Batista, Shane and Hunter team up well. This continues for a long, long time. It shows that without Orton, Legacy really aren�t up to much. Eventually, the two members of Legacy get a little bit of domination, but after a quick spell, Batista kills it with a Spinebuster. Then, finally, Randy Orton returns!!! He slams Batista�s head into the ringpost, and gets tagged in. With Orton there, Legacy constantly risk a DQ,., attacking people from behind! Legacy continue to dominate Batista Shane turns things around when he is tagged in, flying high to inflict pain. After a beating, he tags in The Game, as Orton is tagged in. They go at it for a while, then as the battle between the other four spirals to the outside, Triple H has to stop Batista from getting himself DQ�d. As he does so, Orton gets the RKO but only a 2 count!!! Punt to the head however and we have a NEW WWE champion!!!

What a match. Simply awesome, nothing else to say.

Match 7: John Cena (c) Vs. Edge in a Last man Standing for the World Heavyweight Belt

The main event!!! I thought it would be a good match, but it would be tough to stay on a par with the match before.

Cena outthinks Edge constantly in the opening of the match, showing some athleticism. Both superstars attempt their signature moves early, as well. Edge then starts to fight his way into it, getting a couple of mid length counts on John Cena. A long sleeper hold from Edge gets a count of seven, but then Cena comes back strongly. It doesn�t last long, as Edge gets the Sharpshooter in, and when Cena gets up he knocks him out of the ring. The steel steps come into play, and Cena dodges a charge from Edge, planting him into them. Cena picks up the steel steps after a while, and gets them into the ring; Edge counters and drives them into Cena�s head when he is in the ring corner. After an exchange, Cena gets Edge to the outside and launches the steel steps onto his head! Edge gets up at eight, and they go on to trade blows in the ring, leaving both men down for the count; both get up at 8 however. A set of counters, and suplex from Edge!!! Cena then hits and Attitude Adjustment from the turnbuckle, leading to a nine count!! Cena gets speared in mid air, but it is an 8 count. Cena then Attitude Adjusts Edge to the crowd, but he gains a nine count only!!! The fight spills to the outside of the arena, and they re enter with a bulldog off the steps in the crowd! They get onto the ramp, after Edge gets up at 7 and Edge gets a chair from backstage, smashing it into Cena! Out comes the Big Show, who chokeslams Cena through a giant spotlight!!! 10 count, and a NEW Heavyweight Champion,Creating A Benchmark Becomes A Necessity For Every Company, Edge!!!

Backlash Conclusion:

Well, there you have it. Despite what critics might say that was an excellent PPV,custom bobbleheads, I think. The last two matches were great, even if at times they were slightly slow. I loved the WWE championship match, but it was easily matched by the Main Event. The other matches were good and entertaining, but easily outshone by those two.

A good multitude of storylines can easily come off from this PPV as well, so we�re in for a treat,personalized bobblehead, I think.
Until next time,personalized bobbleheads, my friends, stay safe.

Thanks for reading.

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